Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Breakfast Protein Shake

I hope everyone had a wonderful memorial day. We spent the weekend remodeling the exterior of our house. The change is so refreshing and looks wonderful! The only bummer part is that we are selling it after we finally removed our title of "the ugliest house on the street". I will post better pictures later - there was a big ugly dump trailer in our driveway.
This is what it looked like when we bought it

Roof partially done, trim and fascia painted

After color coat! Still have some planting to do

I thought I would share what I eat for breakfast almost every morning. I'm not the kind of girl that just eats a banana and goes on my way... I like to eat and hate feeling hungry. So with that said, this shake is actually filling and tastes good! I can't tell you how many I have tried and ended up gagging my way through it!

By now you know that I'm a fan of Jordan Rubin and "The Maker's Diet". Well, he has a line of products out called Garden of Life and I've tried the probiotics and LOVE them. I'd wanted to try his protein powder but it was always expensive and I didn't want to fork out the money if I didn't like it. It's kind of funny how this happened but I was grocery shopping one day and my mom asked me to grab a couple of things for her. Of course it wasn't at the store that I was going to so I went out of my way to the other store. It turned out that they were offering 20% off all vitamins and health products AND they were sampling both the RAW protein powder and RAW meal! AND they had coupons for another $5 off!! Ok... so how crazy is that?

I never really understood what the RAW meal was so it was really great that I was able to talk to someone and try it first. RAW meal is protein powder but it also has vitamins, enzymes, and probiotics in it. It's a meal replacement powder. It's made from sprouted grains too so it's easy to digest and doesn't have soy or dairy products in it.

Well I decided to get the RAW meal since it would mean that I didn't need to buy some of the vitamins or probiotics that I usually get. I whipped up a quick shake the next morning and it was awesome! I am officially addicted to the stuff and I can seriously tell a difference in how I feel already. Here is my simple recipe - feel free to tweak it however you like! I would love to hear what you use!

Breakfast Protein Shake
1 scoop of Garden of Life RAW Meal
1 fresh or frozen banana
12oz organic low sugar almond milk

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend! Yum!

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